Custom Photography Solutions

Capture the essence of your property with professional photography services. Our streamlined approach ensures you receive visually stunning images quickly, without compromising quality. 

Welcome to Custom

Ever found yourself looking for a real estate photographer only to find you're forced into a package deal? Often one that includes more photos or services than you need, driving the price up?

Our streamlined, custom process allows us to provide the most value possible to you and your client.
Pick and choose exactly what you need, including photo quantity and optional add ons such as a walkthrough, aerials, edited highlight video, and aerials to highlight surrounding landmarks.

Need something extra?
Feel free to contact us, we are more than happy to work with you!


Browse our offerings to see if we're a good fit. If so, click 'Booking' in the top right corner.

Special Discounts
First Month: FIRST20
First 5 Homes: HOMEFREE

Sharp, High Quality AEB Photos

AEB provides the highest quality, exposure balanced photo that highlights any property, and its views, perfectly! Select photo quantity, and time of day in booking.


Aerial AEB Photos

Aerials bring a unique, alternate perspective to any property, especially ones with land, exceptional views, or surrounding landmarks. Only available for FAA approved locations. 


Custom Duration Highlight Video

1-2 minute, 2-3 minute, or even 3-4 minute highlight video, cinematically capturing the selling points of any property!
Select duration in booking.


Aerial Highlight Video

1-2 minute highlight video showcasing the most attractive aspects of the property. Only available for FAA approved locations. 


Need Guidance?

Unsure of how many photos, or what services the property requires? Here are some of our recommendations, in package deals, based on square footage.

Quick and Simple

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All in One

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Tucson, AZ, US

About us

Here at ECI, we take pride in providing our clients with the best value they can find. Our customized process, tailored to your needs saves both time, and money, without compromising quality.